Rundgang 22
This collective exhibition showcased the works of artists and writers from the HfG Karlsruhe Art Research and Media Theory Department. It provided a platform for exploring contemporary themes at the intersection of art, media, and theory. Featuring a unique use of old televisions and carpets - primarily sourced from Sarajevo and Istanbul - the exhibition created a dynamic space that fostered dialogue between diverse artistic practices and critical reflection.
The participating artists—Anastasiia Bergalevich, Emma Benker, Giulia Bertolino, Guillermo Collado Wilkins, Nico Dasenbrock, Chiara Duchi, Christian Egerer, Hajo Eickbusch, Victor Fancelli Capdevila, Zulfikar Filandra, Yannick Fritz, Jeongmin Han, Ilayda Elsa Kohl, Moritz Konrad, Jule Köpke, Livia Lazzarini, Frederike Maier, Emma Lang, Lea Celine Nohr, Alena Poser, Christian Platz, George MacBeth, Valentin Schwarz, Eva Scholl, John Weber—presented works addressing socio-political and cultural issues. Their contributions highlighted the vibrancy of contemporary artistic inquiry, engaging with themes of representation, media aesthetics, and offering critical perspectives on the global challenges of our time. This interdisciplinary exhibition promoted collaboration and it reaffirmed the arts as a vital medium for intellectual and cultural exploration.
The exhibition was further enriched by time-based scholarly talks and debates, featuring the following speakers along with the titles of their respective talks: Barbara Kuon’s What is Authority?, Sami Khatib’s The Promise of Melancholy and Aesthetics of the Sensuous and Supra-Sensuous, Sami Khatib and Barbara Kuon’s Gewalt, Macht, Autorität: Über politisches und anti-politisches Handeln, Lioudmila Voropai’s Kritische Theorie vs Critical Theory, Matthias Bruhn’s The Future of 1982, Anne Meindl’s The Logic of the Aesthetic, Matteo Pasquinelli with Arif Kornweitz and Adam Harvey’s AI Forensics, Katharina Weinstock’s Global Flows, Bani Brusadin and Katharina Weinstock’s The Fog of Systems, Paolo Caffoni’s A Pedagogy of Machines, Sami and Lama Khatib’s Cognitive Mapping, Open Resource Center’s Documenting the Moment IV.
Special thanks to Barbara Kuon, Zulfikar Filandra, and Mustafa Emin Büyükcoskun for the great help, to Saara Kuum for the exhibition’s poster design and to dear Anastasiia Bergalevich for the emotional support!