A Pedagogy of Machines
Collective reading
Dear all,
I hope you are all well and hopefully not too stressed. I’ve been re-reading
our list of proposals. Asking myself, what is the best idea? I'm honest,
I could not find an answer. My initial thought was that this
class could be an experiment, it should be fun, and I didn’t know what
the output would be, the output wasn’t already determined. But what if
the experiments fail at the end? There is a risk. And this week,
looking at the list, I couldn’t make up my mind. I thought the risk
became reality. Following a wise advise, should I have proposed to
write each of you an essay instead? Crisis : )
I must listen to what we have read and discussed, I must
unlearn the expectation to find the best idea. I don’t wish to stop
listening to the others. Reading out loud a critical text in a foreign
language or making mistakes with pronunciation takes some courage. Yes,
I loved that we achieved to do that. Practicing to listen, to follow
one's own pace, to take off expectation from a reading list, it was
quite liberating to me. Discussing the length of emails and feeling the
comments and reactions, was like playing a board game. Understanding
how hard it can be to push forward a formal complaint, opening a door
inside the institution, and understanding how easy we can feel
completely overwhelmed by the free flowing of complaints. I love the
complain-shredding machine. The paper cut slips. Breaking the rhythm.
Putting us all together with a hyphen, discussing each
other's position and responsibilities. Excitement and failure,
tiredness - we never read the “crying time” text by bell hooks, butalsoleast we mentioned it. Drawing new questions and taking questions
seriously. Reading a quote, drafting a sketch. Tools for educations.
Embodying a machine, collectively. In a machine, I think, there is no
best part or best element. If you take a part out, the machine
stops to work. At the same time, something always seem to miss, we
never had the time to… Maybe it’s about accepting the idea thatan /imperfect machine/ works.
I would like that each of you send a few fragments of the imperfect
machine. It can be a quote from our readings, a note that you took,
you can send many of course. It can be a sketch for a tool to be built,
an image, a question, more questions, a link, a book, comments,
and reflections. I would like to take a look at them
together. And I propose that we collect all these fragments to build a
narrative for an unlearning machine, using Twine
as a form of questionary, archive or storytelling.
I will collect all the fragments
Participants of the project
Ulrike Barwanietz, Emma Benker, Paolo Caffoni, Siting Chen, Chiara Duchi, Edona Ibrahimi, Ilayda Elsa Kohl, Livia Lazzarini, Xingchen Liu, Lea Celine Nohr, Nicolas Poirot, Jingruo Wang, Shih Ting Wang, Wei Wang, Melanie Wisser, Laura Vogelhöfer, Rui Zhang, Huiyeon Yun.